yellow and green pumpkin on brown wooden table

Welcome to

Most of the pictures on this website are not real.  They are Ai generated  pictures that make impossible images with words without using Paint or Photoshop.  We released Memes XL for Stable Diffusion in November 2023.  This Pumpkin Santa picture was created with our program.  The links for Memes XL are at the top and bottom of each page next to the site navigation.  Thank you for visiting the greatest Pumpkin Santa website of all time!


Memes XL official release date.




This is an Ai text to image generator that does the same thing as Midjourney and DallE 3 using Stable Diffusion.  Our goal was to make funny pictures with funny text that could help bring laughter to everyone.  Ai has difficulty creating words and the text is better on Memes XL than the current competition.

Memes XL is a free program that you can use online on these websites if you just get a user name. You can also download it to use on a home computer with at least a 6GB video card online or offline at home.  Please consider donating $5.00 if you can with Paypal on our FAQ page.




This is our new profile image for CivitAi and Tensor Art.

User ID:  Skratch4merz




We opened our first online store for physical products today with Teespring!  This is all new territory for us and we started with two initial products which will be updated as we learn more.  The first design is BIG FOOT PRINT.  This is about the lost history of how Bigfoot got his name.  The second design is the MEMES XL LOGO.  We have Hoodies, Tshirts, Coffee Mugs, and more available right now.  More designs will be available soon and the link is next to our site navigation.




We opened our second online store for physical products today with Teepublic!  They let the customers choose options to customize their Tshirt orders.  You can also order posters, phone cases, kids clothes, and much more.  This site was much easier to set up and will have more designs uploaded very soon.




Merry Christmas 2023!

New Versions are available now.  There are 2 new versions available on CivitAi and Tensor Art websites.  The Turbo version is called "Memes XL Bullet Time" and uses different settings to make images faster.  Our original version was also updated just in time for Christmas with "Memes XL v2.0".  With the new programs you can have Darth Vader say "Luke I am your father" or anything you want. You can also make images that say happy birthday too.

First write what you want to see and then add:
with text that says "_____"
with a sign that says "_____"
with a text bubble that says "_____"

Then post your best images on CivitAi and Tensor Art websites so we can see them.  Have some fun with Memes XL today!

BONUS: If you add IN MATRIX to your prompts, sometimes the images get upgraded.  Try with and without to see the difference.




Happy New Year 2024!

Last year brought many new things to our lives.  This website and the programs to create images with Ai could never have been predicted at the beginning of 2023.  To start off this year we updated the thumbnails on CivitAi and Tensor Art.  The description was also updated so that there are no trigger words (IN MATRIX) automatically added to the prompts.  This was just a suggestion to try and somehow it was showing up in every image.  Thank you to all who have contributed with comments, reviews, and images.  Keep making new posts on those websites because they can inspire others to create new ideas and funny pictures to share. 

Lets hope this year is better than last year.